Here's a copy of an email from Barbara Bryan to Ken Norman, founder chairman of Portia.

Why Ask a UK Jury to Decide a "Backwards" Mother's "Guilt"?

Why, indeed?

Well, if the mother is unable to defend herself by reason of her mental and/or emotional status ....

.... and if a jury finding HER at fault for the deaths of both her months-old infants caused her to be permanently locked away ....

..... and if that meant neither she, nor those concerned about justice for her, then had access to DNA testing or to working with her toward future appeals ....

.... the terrific outcome -- if one were a medically negligent doctor WHO'D FAILED TO USE DECADES OF KNOWLEDGE OF GENETIC ERRORS, DRUG AND VACCINE ADVERSE REACTIONS, AND MORE -- is that, once again, those doctors' mistakes would be constructively buried.

Just 30 and described as "backwards," childless two-time mother Julie Ferris is in the bizarre position of having a Birmingham, England jury decide whether she "suffocated" two children whose deaths occurred five years apart at nine and eight months respectively.

In 1993 her daughter Hayley's death occurred while her mother was alone with her for 10 minutes. An autopsy found the baby died by choking on her own vomit following a seizure.

Brandon, who had a different father, died similarly. He, too, died after breathing ceased following a seizure. Also, he choked on his vomit. By this time, publicity being what it has been from UK and throughout the world, ideas were offered as to the "motivation" of a mother who appears to have loved both children.

However her mind may function slowly, Julie Ferris instantly raced to find help for her babies the moment she saw each in distress. Likewise, those of us who ponder, eventually realize that RESULTS of various physical triggers -- including cessation of breathing creating a domino shutdown effect in a baby -- CAN mimic or be "consistent with suffocation" (and plenty of other causes).

Think about it? Why else go to the trouble and expense of "trying" a mother whose babies' serial SIDS/cot deaths MORE LIKELY SUGGEST INBORN METABOLIC ERRORS? Genetic errors -- which affect ALL children of just one parent in some cases and/or all children of a couple depending on the DNA code combination -- ARE NOT A MYSTERY, even to very young school children. The lesson of inherited traits (the good, the bad, and the ugly) was clearly articulated by Mendel more than a century ago. It screams LARGE clues to the concerned.


Scientific information was available A DECADE OR MORE BEFORE "SIR" ROY MEADOW'S ANECDOTAL FANTASTICAL CONCEPT ("Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy" and variant names) appeared in the Aug. 13, 1977 Lancet under the title: "The Hinterlands of Child Abuse." (see chapter 9, MSbP - ed).

Human rights advocates, all interested in justice and in child/family safety and integrity of the home, must blow the whistle on self-serving medical, mental health, and law enforcement communities which combine to perpetrate voodoo process in court settings against innocent parents.

If there is any "blame," is it that Julie Ferris and others chose the wrong parents? Very soon the jig will be up for unjust blame-shifters, ones who purposefully ignore the closest and most obvious clues. Soon all will know which drugs will and will not work with a child's particular genetic makeup, and, yes, "blood WILL tell."

"Sins" of the mothers? Then why are medically negligent medicine men trying so hard to persuade a confused jury to BLAME Julie Ferris for DNA they never checked, according to required specifications, in her suddenly lifeless babies?

For HOW MANY DECADES are these doctors going to get a free pass in UK, site of world -class discoveries in genetics?

Barbara Bryan, Communications Director, NCADRC P. O. Box 8323, Roanoke, Virginia 24014 USA 540/345-1952; Fx: 540/345-1899; Email: (National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center; Toledo, Ohio-based: 419/865-0513; Fax: 419/865-0526 website: (Re: MSbP, see also:, click on "Plugs" at Press material)


Posted July 2000